Contract is enforceable even if the price/fee to be paid is not specific . . . “sufficiently definite” satisfies the required legal standard

In Daiwa Corporate Advisory LLC v. Katapult Group, Inc. (NY County Supreme Court, Index No. 652164/2021), the trial court held that a contract is enforceable where the fees payable were to be “mutually-agreed” based on “customary and . . . similar transactions and practices in the investment banking industry.”

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Business intermediary’s mistake in the NDA that it signed with the Buyer (on behalf of the Seller) is not actionable by the Seller against the Buyer.

In Protégé Biomedical, LLC v. Duff & Phelps Securities, LLC, et al., the business seller disclosed confidential information on a telephone call with a prospective buyer corporation. Instead of purchasing the seller's business, the prospective buyer corporation used the seller's confidential information to create its own competing product.

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business partnership dispute

Strategies for Settling Common Business Partnership Disputes

A common risk of business partnerships is that they may deteriorate and become adversarial. When this happens, the business relationship isn’t the only thing that is at risk. In addition to the deterioration of the partnership itself, business partnership disputes often result in significant financial losses, tarnished reputations, and bad feelings all...

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alternative dispute resolution

Benefits of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Litigation isn’t the only way to resolve a legal dispute. Rather than risking a lengthy and expensive court battle, parties may attempt to resolve their differences by agreeing to participate in alternative dispute resolution. Common alternative dispute resolution methods include mediation, negotiation, and arbitration. In this article, we examine the many benefits...

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